Monday, November 16, 2009

Humor Me

God's humor never ceases to amaze me. While some people may not believe that God is one to humor us, I strongly disagree. I feel that God can humor us to teach us, humble us, and eventually lead us in the directions he wants us to go. Have you ever approached a situation thinking that you would not succeed so you didn't? For me that happens a lot but the next part is the interesting part. For some reason you feel compelled by either conviction or self motivation to actually approach or attempt whatever it is. By this time I would already be in motion only to be stumped by God. He'll say no or humble me telling me that what I wanted was overly ambitious or just not right. And the moment you humble yourself, He brings that element back in to your life.

It's funny how these things work. It could be a person you've liked for a long time who you have given up on, only to find that the moment you let go, God brings her presence back in stronger than ever. I can't help but laugh at something like that. Not that it changes anything at the moment.

I could list a bunch of occassions this has happened to me. Promotions, internships, relationships, it happens everywhere for me and I have actually learned a lot from it. I think one of my favorite moments was my freshman year in Overflow. We were pairing off for a piece and I told myself I wouldn't mind being paired with any of the girls except for this one girl. Low and behold I was paired with the one I didn't wish to be with. But God taught me two things here. One, love each person equally, especially in a family such as Overflow, and two, "I use people who you would think the least likely to reach out to you and love you."

A lot of people have different words describing God. Savior, healer, my salvation, so on and so forth. But for me the most accurate word describing how He impacts my life is Deliverer. God has delivered me from so many problematic things and has brought so many wonderful things and people into my life... It just happens that a lot of it seems to make me laugh and for that I'm thankful :)


  1. "The moment you let go, God brings her presence back in stronger than ever."
    I like that...I had the word "let go" in my head for the whole night. :D

  2. It's like that Regina Spektor song! :D
