Sunday, November 8, 2009

The Turkleton Conundrum

PASSION!!! First off I'd like to say that this weekend and the Passion Revival at GCC was amazing. Bringing it back to the basics were definitely needed and the prayer done and received was very refreshing. But more on that later. A lot of people seem to be writing on it, plus I have other stuff on my mind. Well actually, I'll probably tie it in with Passion a little bit :)

So in an attempt to kick back and find a way to distract myself from all the chaos in my life, I threw season one of Scrubs into my DVD player earlier this week. First off might I say that Scrubs is AWESOME and probably one of my favorite shows ever. Regardless of how awesome the show is, I digress. There was an episode that really struck me and got me thinking. But before I get to my point, here's a little plot summary. I'll try to keep it short.

In season one, three of the main characters are fresh out of medical school and are interning at a hospital together. Considering it's a major change in lifestyle for all of them, their eyes are opened to many things they never thought about. The character I want to focus on is Chris Turk. Okay plot summary over.

During this episode, it's the Christmas holiday. Turk loves Christmas and has always believed that God is always watching over everyone, so during the holiday season he's especially festive and excited. However it's his first time working in a hospital over Christmas and he sees all sorts of people coming in because of various accidents and problems. The scene cuts out as you see all sorts of people getting wheeled into the hospital. At this point it's what Turk says that struck me. He's talking to his girlfriend.

"Honey, all my life I've believed that God watches over us and takes care of us. But tonight on Christmas of all nights, I see all these people come in hurt and on the verge of death. How can I believe that God watches over us when I see all these people that I can't help die in front of me"

At this point, my heart definitely ached and I was really broken. It made me think about all the people around us including ourselves as our faiths are tested by various events. It's so easy to lose hope because of some of the negativity that surrounds us at times, and that can lead to us stumbling. As I thought about this, I thought about the future and what kind of things ahead are going to test me. And while I know what lies ahead is definitely not going to be easy, I want to tackle it on faith alone. The line from the song Hosanna "Break my heart for what breaks yours" popped up in my head, and to be honest, since Passion that line has been with me.

God has given us so many gifts and talents, and when we see all these people hurt and aching around us, we CANNOT lose faith. With our talents and blessings, we should reach out and help those around it. It does not take a doctor to do that (well sometimes it does :P). I don't think I need to post Matthew 25 in here.

So here's my tie in with Passion:

God, break my heart for what breaks yours. Strengthen me so that I can straighten myself in You in times of trouble, that I may be able to rise up to whatever occasion with complete faith and trust in you that Your love and blessings may pour from me to those who need you and who You cry for. Use me.

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