Sunday, December 6, 2009

It Says What It Means

I'm so bad at listening to my own words. I hear all the times I've given advice go through my head to slap me in the face as a reminder and I can't follow through on the words I've given others. It's interesting in a self critical and hypocritical kind of way. My brain feels like rotting. After this week all I have are incoherent random thoughts to post. Sorry guys for the lack of content.

Things I'm looking forward to:
-Alice in Wonderland
-Sherlock Holmes
-Final Fantasy XIII
-Dante's Inferno
-Winter Break
- there were a few books but I lost my reading list =\

-Okay time for sheer randomness:
-Apparently my lack of giving attention to people because my life got busy warrants hatred.
-When someone asks for honesty... they don't really want it?
-Pick up your phone
-What are you thinking?
-My toilet broke while I was gone this weekend... thanks guys/girls? o_O
-Full Measure was awesome this weekend. Great job guys! :)
- <3 Overflow. You guys are awesome!
-Twice I've gone up to people thinking I know who they are, only to find out that
they are complete strangers.
-I'm sorry?
-For some reason I love Ecclesiastes... I wonder what that's all about.
-I really like the Choco Cat charm I bought for my cell phone.
-I have a term paper due Weds. and I'm listing random thoughts on blogspot instead of thesis ideas.
-Reciprocate PLEASE. I don't care if it's good or bad. Just do it! NIKE haha
-I need to pray more. Do you have any prayer requests? Let me know!
-Goo Goo Dolls "Let Love In" album is AWESOME. ( yes I know it's four years old)
-I need to find more studio time for choreography
-I need to dance more.
-This weekend was very very bittersweet.
-Where are the cards I ordered? I'm ready to start playing in tournaments again.
-I hope my new deck idea works :D
-I love cheesy humor. Just watched Get Smart for kicks.
-Chima this Friday for lunch? Let me or Dave Seok know. We need to plan/ make reservations.
-It's 2:30 AM and I'm still full from dinner at Cheesecake Factory today.
-Thanks for hanging out with me this weekend, when I needed to get away for a little bit. You're a lifesaver. Thank you thank you thank you.
-Congrats to the new GCC members!
- Two more days of class till reading days.
-This list is getting long and my eyes are getting sleepy. Good Night! :)

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