Sunday, December 20, 2009


So this break, there are a few things I want to get done. A list of sorts if you will. I hope I will actually stick to this a lot more than the list I made last year. I still have two books unread from last year's winter break sitting on my bookshelf... I should get on that. But yea, anyways here it is.

- Work out a lot more. I know this is a really undefined goal. I would say work out everyday but I'm going to be travelling a lot. So until then push ups and sit ups everyday until I get back to Philly where I can definitely work out everyday. :)

- This one isn't as much of a goal as it is a deadline... FINISH CHOREOGRAPHY!!! Or better yet... start choreography. Thank you Karen for offering to help! Love you long time.

- Pick up the guitar more.

- Read at least two books. Don't know which two, any recommendations? I'm not limiting myself to two, but at least two would definitely be nice. :)

- Write and articulate my thoughts in a well formed way. So I was looking at my drafts on this blog and there are actually a lot of incomplete posts that I have just left to sit and rot. Even though they may not be applicable to what I'm thinking or how I'm feeling right now, I want to finish them and try to retrace where I was going with the thought. I think that'll be an interesting little task this break.

- A small goal. To NOT do nothing for New Year's Eve. Last year my entire family fell asleep at 10:30pm leaving me with NOTHING TO DO!!!

- DANCE MORE. Definitely more Koresh when I get back to Philly. Who's with me!?!

- While this list is subject to change, this is my last one for now. I need to recenter myself in Him. I want everything I do to be clear in motive that it's for His glory and honor and praise. I know that sounds vague but I just want to clear my mind of issues and problems and focus hard on God coming in to this new year.

Now how about you? What do you plan to do with yourself? :)

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