Monday, December 7, 2009

Stick to Your Guns

Let me open up my head to you for a little bit so you can see what thoughts are occupying my head at the moment instead of working on this term paper...

Relationships seem to be all the talk lately. Who likes who, who is dating who, who is and isn't talking to who. All that jazz. It's kind of funny how every time this season comes around I get caught in parts of it whether I want to be in it or not. Every time, I find myself re-evaluating where I am as a person and where I am with God. I think back to the high school graduate version of me telling myself that I wouldn't date until I could sort out my life, and while I've had my fair share of distractions, I can say that I stuck to that I would not date rule, even though some of the reasons for this vary.

Each time one of these moments happen, I always search for a lesson to be learned. Whether it's as simple as THAT KIND OF PERSON IS BAD FOR YOU! or something that I learned about myself, I manage to walk away with some food for thought.

While I've been digesting on quite a bit of material regarding relationships recently, one thing stuck out to me as of late. A girl was saying to someone I know that he was TOO NICE, and that if he wanted to find a girl he should just be more of a jerk. That's one thing I'll never understand is the female fascination with the bad boys haha.

And while sure I can see it landing a guy a few dates, I don't think that's gonna land him in a place he wants to be. The thing I've come to realize this weekend is that no matter what, I'm going to stick to my guns. When I talk about relationships with people, especially GCC heads, a lot of them always bring up Pastor Barry's relationship seminar. And while I definitely think what P.Barry taught was REALLY REALLY good and informative, the seminar that sticks out to me the most was the one that took place a year before and was given by Pastor Fred. Can you lead, provide, and protect? (Sorry girls, this was one of the guys seminars so I don't have anything to offer you but a chance for you to pick my brain :P)

Actually, as I think about it, I take back what I just said in the parentheses. Guys, ask yourself this question and be honest with yourself about it. Girls, ask yourself this. Can he lead, provide and protect me? Obviously as college students there's only so much provision in terms of physical things but in regards to spiritually and emotionally, think about it. Maybe I've become too calloused and reserved in terms of relationships, but sometimes taking a step back and looking at the big picture instead of rushing in is the best thing to do.

Call it feeble minded, lacking initiative, or whatever you wish but I'm sticking to my guns. Lead, provide, protect. Just think and pray about it, and if you're on the fence about something relationally, why not aim for it?

1 comment:

  1. it's called the superhero complex foo. though, even though we do our best to protect, lead, and whatever, some things are just inevitable.

    i know i've mentioned that there are times when being the "jerk" helps, i think going the goofball route works better.

