Monday, October 12, 2009


Yes...I am posting twice in one day. Don't know why, but I felt compelled to write a little bit.

There's something really comforting about family. I can't really describe it but homely. That being said, it sounds really basic and pointless but maybe that's just because you might not understand where I'm coming from. While I love my parents and my sister, sometimes being family is rough. A lot of you can sympathize there I'm sure. My parents are unrelenting, and always asking questions about my life. The friends I have, my school work, if I have a girlfriend, and even sometimes asking if I washed my face and eat something for breakfast. When I say unrelenting, I mean, they call and talk to me everyday to the point where sometimes I feel like I am being suffocated and get really frustrated. This is just from living a state or two away from them while I'm at school. When I'm home it definitely gets worse at times.

The point is, today was and is absolutely miserable. I had a midterm which surprisingly went well I think, and a lot of group work in which one of the guys in my group dropped when we were already underhanded, and another where apparently no one has the motivation to do work, leaving me fuming here in the tech lab trying to get something done while contemplating dropping the class because I refuse to do work while other people get the credit this entire semester. (I've already done a report for all of them once to save my grade.)

But enough venting, the point I'm trying to get at is this. Today my mom dropped off my sister back in Philly at school and took a little detour beforehand to pick me up after my midterm to take me out to dim sum, then drop me off at school again so I could me with my group (or the lack thereof.) On the way back to school after eating I passed out in the car for maybe twenty minutes, and in all honesty, that was the best twenty minutes of sleep I've had in a long time since school has started. Mind you I'm sitting upright in a car, and it was an amazing twenty minute nap. I guess there's a comfort in letting your guard down, being vulnerable, and just knowing you have your family there for you even though you guys might fight, bicker, and argue nonstop. But today I guess was a reminder that home really is where the heart is.

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