Monday, April 11, 2011

I Live to Overflow, I LOVE to Overflow

Like Chan wrote for FM, I think you guys are probably going to get sick of me writing about O-Flow so much. Anyways, OSHOW- Perspectives is over and we get a break before tackling Esperanza (I think?). The battle leading to O-Show was tremendous this year, and in some ways it was much more intense than last years battles. Maybe I say that because this year I am lucky to get to help lead Overflow, and I see much more of what's going on behind the scenes, but I am so thankful for my O-Flowers and especially thankful to God for making this happen.

I know a few of you guys who read this aren't believers and also that some of you are new to Christ. This isn't me just giving thanks because thats what Overflow is. Yea, we dance, we skit, we act and tell stories all for God's glory, but the reality, and I firmly believe this, is that O-Show would not have happened without His power and grace.

Last year's Overflow was 20 strong. At the end of the year, when we reevaluated our numbers for next year, only 7 members were able to stay on board. We all prayed unceasingly asking God to do what He wished for us. Whether it was to stay small and just do guest pieces like we used to, bless us with a new O-Family, or maybe even convict us to attempt a 7 man O-Show. As the leaders met up this summer to discuss and pray for Overflow, we really hoped that it was in God's will to bless us with more members, and out of faith in Him and hope for more members, Perspectives started getting sketched out.

Come fall term, we were blessed to have Harold and Yue come back to us (<3) and we began working on our piece for Intro Night. Our "Light of the World" piece, which was originally designed for 16 people, had to be condensed and remade for 9. But hey, God was faithful...nine definitely beats seven.

The following weeks after that were interesting, we scheduled to have our intro meeting two weeks after intro night, but right after intro night, we had people approaching us and asking us about Overflow, and by the time the intro meeting actually landed, the room was PACKED. Any O-Flow veterans who've been to intro meetings, I promise you, the number of people who were interested was INSANE. And I don't mean it was just the nine that were added to our nine veterans...I'll say it again... it was PACKED!

Numbers weren't our only problem though this year. With Overflow being half new members, only one freshman (Dan Leung) and having no senior class (Dave, Andrew, and I do not count as seniors), how could we really whip the noobies into shape, and get them siked for the amount of work to come? Last year, O-Show was something every member wanted, and those that were veterans last year... well.. let's just say we wanted an O-Show for a very long time. This year, half of us were struggling to figure out how to meet our expectations from last year, and the other half were getting frustrated, not knowing what we were working towards, and what OSHOW would bring.

We had so many issues to face, and cards on the table, we fought through A LOT of it. Whether it was out and in public, or behind the scenes, we were frustrated most of the time. I honestly believe that if it was not for His work and intervention there would not have been any show this year. He put this together, He brought us together, and He kept this together because we could not.

Pastor Dave said something at last week's service that resonated with me all throughout this week as we prepared for the show. He was saying that Satan attacks not only when we're weak, but at times of praise and worship because that's where we're at our strongest and were together. Satan wants to cut us down when were strong and together. P. Dave was saying we can't let that get in the way of our praise.

So that's why, we sing harder, we pray harder, we dance harder, and we love more. This is why we Overflow :)


  1. amen bro! it was a great show and even better to read thoughts directly from an O-flower! great job yesterday!

  2. amen broham! through thick and thin, God's got yo back yo. And being blessed with so many loving bro's and sis' for support too
