Monday, August 31, 2009

Empty Nesters

So the time has finally come. A new school year has begun and today was the first day but a little more on that later. More importantly, my sister now is starting college which means my parents are now without children at home. I guess this means more parental nagging. Already within less than 5 days of us moving back to school my parents have gone really far. Calling more often to check up on me to telling me to watch out for swine flu and be prepared and buy those masks to cover your mouth when you go outside. It has even gotten so far to the point where they are now asking me about my ATM withdrawals. Today, I was asked if I am withdrawing money for drugs, or illegal activities, if I have any debts and have people chasing after me. This continued on to, if I now am spending money on a girl and if I am sexually active. You can imagine the frustration that's going on here. You would think that after cleaning up academically in an attempt to get my parents to leave me alone a little bit would make things better. *Sigh* I guess the grass is always greener.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

A Little Bit on Love

Reflecting to high school, and the beginning of college, it seemed like relationships were so much easier. I can't put my thumb on why I feel this way but I kinda just feel like that. In high school, if a person had feelings for someone, they'd just say it and go with it. Nowadays, I find myself thinking so much about the action and reaction, that things just get so complicated. I guess I bring this up because I'm visiting home right now and am cleaning up my new room and all the things that were moved from our old house. I found a lot of notes, and written conversations I had with people. Things that without a doubt are overly sappy and romantic. I don't feel like divulging what kind of stuff on here but if your that curious you can always just ask me. But regardless, it seems that relationships get harder as we get older. The only reason that I can think of without compromising my pride is that we get more mature and start considering the feelings of others before our own.