Aestheticism. It's something that truly dominates this world. For my advertising class I saw this video by a man name Jhally. He was claiming how the world was soon coming to an end and how if we do not take action, then people will not consume and eventually we will revert to a barbaric lifestyle. Jhally spoke of how it's the duty of mass media and advertising to push forward and make sure that consumerism stays ever so constant or even have it grow. For the longest time, sex has been the driving force in sales. Sex sells everything. From music, to food, to what we wear sex and its appeal has surrounded us. We've become so attuned to the physical that we forget the other things in life.
For example, today I was in the student center and I saw these two guys comment about this girl walking by. "She's so hot! Look at her sexy walk! *insert more sexual references here* If she were mine, I'd be happy for the rest of my life." And that's the line that got me. They have no idea who that girl is, or how she acts, or what she feels. This girl happens to be a girl in one of my classes that I know and have worked with. She just so happens to be the opinionated, always talking girl. To be honest, I'd rather take the stairs from a ten story building instead of ride an elevator with her to avoid discussion every time we have class together.
I find it really ironic about how critical I am about sex in media, and here I am pursuing a career in advertising. Jhally says that we need to be that force to keep the world going, to keep consumerism and spending going, so this economic circle will continue and people will prosper. Jhally really makes the end of the world sound like the book of Revelations, but the thing is, in there God is the driving force, and he should be here in our lives as well. If we adapt to Jhally's ideas and those who think like him, then I guess it will really be advertising and the end of the world.
you know, every time i consider a job in like marketing or even journalism, i wonder if those things would be pleasing to God because of how our society runs..