Saturday, February 14, 2009

"Because He's Christian..."

As much as I would love to trust and base life decisions on the sole fact that someone is Christian, I can't. I don't mean to judge people, but we all make mistakes and sometimes being Christian can blind others from that fact. The reason why I bring this up is because as I heard a friend talk about a business plan to make money, their only rationale was because a friend was also doing it and he was "a really strong Christian." There was no other facts in the reasoning except that he was Christian, he grew up from a strong Christian background, and that things were going well for him. I heard the same defensive argument at least a dozen times until I had to blurt out to go do your own research before doing anything.

It turns out that there are entrepreneurs out there that actually focus on Christians as their target market because apparently to them, we are a group that they can trust as a business investment. I'm not trying to destroy certain legitimate Christian organizations, but looking into business's and business models such as these prove my point.

I'm not trying to judge other Christians I hardly know, but we are all prone to mistakes and being scammed. As much as I wish it were possible, "Because He's Christian," does not cut it for me. Maybe I'm calloused and cynical, but sometimes I believe that we need to be a little bit more on guard in this world.

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