Saturday, December 27, 2008

Personality Tests and Then Some

I have been searching to find out more about myself as of late. With the possibility of a major change to Advertising from International Business, I find myself at a point where I have to reevaluate what I want from life (which is ironic because I really have no idea). My parents insisted that I take the Meyers-Briggs in order to help with my decision and for their benefit because they found out after twenty years that they still have no idea who I am. Usually I am not a big fan of personality tests, zodiacs, or anything of the sort. If a Korean asks me for my blood type, I get ticked off and tell them that a) "I don't know!!" and b) "I'm Chinese and don't care about that superstition." I scored as an ENFP (Extroverted, iNtuitive, Feeling, Perceiving) on the Meyers-Briggs and after researching this temperament a little bit more, I discovered that it nailed me with pinpoint accuracy. I am a creative who finds joy in diversity with a vast supply of ideas. I find pleasure and energy in being with others and ironically as an extrovert, the ENFP needs time alone to recharge. I can be found in the fields of journalism, mass communication, advertising, business, marketing, education and healthcare, and am approximately twelve percent of the world's population. My nickname is the "Inspirer" and I am well known for bringing the best out of others.

The funny thing about these tests though is that as much as it helps a person identify their strengths and weaknesses, (here's the punchline!!!!) it does not help you make the next decision in your life. I know that such a statement is common sense but as much as I struggle with what I want as a career path, my parents nor the test is going to make the decision for me.

Maybe I am going about this whole process wrong. Some people say the end justifies the means, but I guess I am against that. I feel that the means should justify the end, that what I learn along the way and what I experience makes me what I will turn out to be. It's time to figure out a little more about myself besides a few hopelessly romantic ideals and my basic morals. Call me pathetic, but the test said that a good creative outlet for an ENFP is to write things down. So here I am writing to empty space for others to see and myself to reflect, taking up God knows how many bytes of space on this world wide web.

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