Wednesday, May 25, 2011

There and Back Again, and Again, and Again

Bonus points to the nerds that get the title of this post!

I finally am able to blog here, HURRAY! After traveling around China for about two weeks, I am back in Hong Kong, for a few days before heading home! There are two things I've been dying to blog about over the past weeks and I've had the words written out in my head for a while. I'm going to tackle this in two posts, starting with my trip :). Pictures will come later because I'm on a public computer and can't hook my camera into it nor is there wifi here so I can't upload from my iPad. ANYWAYS...

Here's what I've been up to. I left Philly on May 8th after finishing all my finals and projects, and headed to Maryland. From there, I left to DC on the 9th to pick up my sibling, and connected to JFK airport and had a 5 hour layover. From JFK, I went straight to Hong Kong :D! After chilling and shopping there for a few days, the chaos began. We left for Shanghai after three days in HK, and proceeded to one of the craziest tours I've ever been on. For the next week or so, I got to explore a different city almost every day. I forget the order because I don't have the itinerary on hand. So in no specific order... Shanghai, Suzhou, Nanzhou, Hangzhou, Wuxi, Wushan, and Nanjing. There I got to experiences LOTS of food, sights and shopping. Jade, pearl, silk, tea, and clay factories. It was all really cool to see. Each night we got put up in a nice hotel with awesome views too! :D The last leg of the tour was the best. Our group got to climb up Yellow Mountain, which is the place they filmed Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and the view was amazing. It was supposed to rain but instead I was blessed with clear sunny skies and got to take some AMAZING pictures! Coming back from Yellow Mountain sucked though. After coming down from the mountain, we proceeded to take an overnight train back to Shanghai. It was a twelve our trip, and the train SUCKED! It was really cramped with no air, so I was bunking with my three cousins, and the bathroom was one of the worst I've encountered while being here.

Luckily after that, things started looking up again. We spent two days in Shanghai after that, just shopping around on our own before heading to Guangzhou. By far, I love Guangzhou food the best and the shopping there was awesome. Touristy things aside, the most memorable part of being in Guangzhou was the 72 Soldier Memorial. I don't know how to say it in Chinese so don't judge me :P! While the memorial itself was interesting to see, it was the meaning behind being there that was the most important. In 1949, my dad's parents left China to come to the States. They had to go to Guangzhou to get their papers in order and file them so they could leave the country. Upon stopping in Guangzhou, my grandma and her parents and siblings took a picture at the bridge in front of the 72 Soldier Memorial all lining up from oldest to youngest. The picture was their last time together in China. With our ten family members present, we reenacted the picture with the people there. It was so cute to see my grandma and great aunt happily crying and thinking about all the things that have happened since they left China and came back. It was really touching and moving :). Anyways, that was yesterday, and now I am back in Hong Kong for a few days before heading home. While this trip has been awesome, I am super homesick and am ready for all the fun times to start with all you people that I miss dearly! There is dancing, food, drinks, and pictures to be had!

Second Post that's on my brain is to come soon! :)

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