Saturday, February 14, 2009

"Because He's Christian..."

As much as I would love to trust and base life decisions on the sole fact that someone is Christian, I can't. I don't mean to judge people, but we all make mistakes and sometimes being Christian can blind others from that fact. The reason why I bring this up is because as I heard a friend talk about a business plan to make money, their only rationale was because a friend was also doing it and he was "a really strong Christian." There was no other facts in the reasoning except that he was Christian, he grew up from a strong Christian background, and that things were going well for him. I heard the same defensive argument at least a dozen times until I had to blurt out to go do your own research before doing anything.

It turns out that there are entrepreneurs out there that actually focus on Christians as their target market because apparently to them, we are a group that they can trust as a business investment. I'm not trying to destroy certain legitimate Christian organizations, but looking into business's and business models such as these prove my point.

I'm not trying to judge other Christians I hardly know, but we are all prone to mistakes and being scammed. As much as I wish it were possible, "Because He's Christian," does not cut it for me. Maybe I'm calloused and cynical, but sometimes I believe that we need to be a little bit more on guard in this world.

Monday, February 9, 2009


I find this month frustrating yet very very very amusing. It's frustrating because somehow I seem to spend money unnecessarily even though I don't have a valentine, and that people always use this time of year as an excuse to find out who I like. The constant asking of "So who are you going to ask out on Valentine's Day, or where are you flying yourself to, to confess your love thing gets kind of repetitive. Although I'm not going to lie, I have thought about it. =P. February to me is one of the most artificial months of the year. In my opinion, why do you need one day out of a year to show off to the person you care about. If he or she is there at ANY moment, you should just go for it and not confine yourself to one day.

There is so much pressure in this month and especially on Valentine's day. People will travel across the country to keep close friends or relatives company so they don't feel lonely on that day. Some people move out of the comfort of their own apartment so they won't get in their roommates or housemates ways on this day. You see a lot of lovey dovey movies on TV and commercials and what not. A lot of it can depress of it, but some of it is absolutely ridiculous. I guess the reason why I don't like this season is that it singles out so many singles (no pun intended.)

As I was eating my lunch between classes today I discovered why I also find this month so amusing. Companies amp up their promotions so that they can sell the most ridiculous things to make money. I saw a commercial for pajamagrams. Of all things ridiculous that even I could think to sell during this month, on CNN I saw a commercial for pajamagrams. Write a special message on a pair of pajamas to give to your special someone. HOW LAME!!!!! Unless your giving it to a toddler, in which case, please keep it to yourself.

I guess it's amusing how far some people for that in the moment lovestruck high, when it's the long term that really matters.