Wednesday, February 16, 2011


So I don't know about any of you guys, but I can only listen to certain music depending on my mood. Lately I've been having issues finding a song that I enjoy listening to while at home, or on the train to class or wherever I'm off too. Usually if I can't find a song to relate to, that means one of two things:

1) My music library needs to expand more
2) I don't know what mood I'm really in

It's taken two weeks to finally find a song. It's like comfort food, or cake for the fat kid. Finding the right song is just comforting. The lyrics feel like their being spoken right to you, or they are lyrics you can see yourself belting out in the shower on your own. Finding those songs for whatever mood you're in is such an intimate thing. It leaves you with some additional comfort that there are other people out there who feel you. :) yay for music!